Dear Friend and Gardener: July 11, 2014

Dear Friend and Gardener,

I don’t know about you, but my garden at midsummer looks more than a bit tattered.

garden at midsummer

It’s fine if you don’t look too closely. But if you give the beans a second look, you’ll see the flea beetles’ handiwork.

tired beans

They’re still producing beans, but they look as sapped as I feel. Somehow we both keep managing to plug along. My second sowing got its leaves eaten off while I was out of town one weekend. Third time lucky?

The tomatoes, however, cheer me up no end. ‘Sophie’s Choice’ is outdoing herself. For a short-season variety, she’s giving me a lot. I only have two of ‘Sophie’s Choice’ but I’d guess we’ve gotten 3 or 4 pounds of tomatoes just this week. Dinner has tasted and smelled fantastic. Is anything better than a fresh, home-grown tomato?

Maybe a home-grown tomato in the dead of winter? Well, they won’t be fresh, but perhaps they’ll taste like it. My ‘Principe Borghese’ tomatoes keep yielding, and I dried a large batch the other day. My winter sauces shall taste like summer, I am determined.

principe borghese

How’s the picking where you are?



2 thoughts on “Dear Friend and Gardener: July 11, 2014

  1. I was thinking myself that for a July garden – not even August – mine is looking pretty sad. We’ve had lots of rain, but I have observed that good rainfall makes the weeds grow three times faster than the desired crop. Our weather remains comparatively cool so in many ways the garden is still slow. After some weekend weeding I’ll be posting my report. I very much enjoy your record.

    • I think you are exactly right–rain makes the weeds grow exponentially! I have been gone for about ten days, we’ve had a few solid rains, and I have pigweed large enough to shelter small mammals. Guess I know what I’m doing in the garden today.

      So glad you enjoy my blog. Thank you!

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